This is so horrible, but I'd like to see one of her photos in profile. It's interesting that the judges started with the "you only photograph in profile" so early. With Naima, Nik, and Heather, it wasn't mentioned until earlier (with Naima and Nik it wasn't mentioned until overseas I think). As far as Sandra is concerned, her photos weren't great, but she had more potential than Tahlia, and London. Fo can at least do catalogue, and Aminat? Eh. She took a couple decent photos and can do runway, but...
I feel like Tyra was putting too much emphasis on the whole profile thing. In real life the designer is going to choose the best shot regardless of if it's profile or not. She should not have been sent home especially over London who at this point was really falling out of the competition. Also, the makeup is awful what in god's green earth were they thinking here? I don't even think I need to explain why this doesn't work.