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Home > Cycle 6 > Sara Albert

Last comments - Sara Albert
Sara Albert9212 viewsPhoto: Pongsak Tangtiwaja104 comments01/27/09 at 17:54Mycatjewel: I'm over the whole "Sara copied Joanie&qu...
Sara Albert9212 viewsPhoto: Pongsak Tangtiwaja104 comments01/27/09 at 13:45Michelle&AmandaBabin: ^And I heard it was her FIRST FRAME Shocked
Sara Albert9212 viewsPhoto: Pongsak Tangtiwaja104 comments01/27/09 at 13:36david18: I give props to Joanie and Danielle for being cons...
Sara Albert9212 viewsPhoto: Pongsak Tangtiwaja104 comments01/24/09 at 02:37Who_Will_Be_ANTM: ^this is a great shot, too. Really Really Good. Wh...
Sara Albert9212 viewsPhoto: Pongsak Tangtiwaja104 comments01/23/09 at 03:09Jesse_Dillon: Im sorry but Joanie takes it by a LONG shot
Sara Albert5146 views24 comments01/23/09 at 01:23Mechum22: Nice
Sara Albert9212 viewsPhoto: Pongsak Tangtiwaja104 comments01/23/09 at 01:22Mechum22: Where the final product is concerned, it's a d...
Sara Albert1637 viewsPhoto: Regeti's Photography10 comments01/18/09 at 15:32topmodelfan51: love! ITS GORGEOUS!
Sara Albert1685 viewsPhoto: Regeti's Photography34 comments01/18/09 at 15:31topmodelfan51: i LOVE MANY OF THE SARA'S!!! ALBERT'S MY ...
Sara Albert1111 viewsPhoto: Regeti's Photography3 comments01/18/09 at 15:29topmodelfan51: i love it!!! so pretty!
Sara Albert6706 viewsPhoto: Jaturong Kirankarn47 comments01/15/09 at 06:07Bella: The face is bad.
Sara Albert694 viewsPhoto: Josue Pena2 comments01/14/09 at 09:50LaLoLu: She sure does NOT know where to place her hands he...
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