Last comments - Cycle 17 - ALL STARS |
Alexandria Everett5179 views09/16/11 at 23:25KinmokuPrincess: These girls shouldn't be in All Stars, they h...
Shannon Stewart4151 views09/16/11 at 23:24ElleEstVraimentBelle: ^^^ I don't think is was so much of her body ...
Brittany Brower4121 views09/16/11 at 18:13ineedamodelchick: she definitely looked old, and i agree, it looked ...
Shannon Stewart4151 views09/16/11 at 17:41Bellhop36: WHY DIDNT SHE GO HOME?????????
Brittany Brower4121 views09/16/11 at 17:37Bellhop36: I am not sad to see her go, HOWEVER, Shannon shoul...
Alexandria Everett5179 views09/16/11 at 15:38Bellhop36: I agree with butteredtoast84. She was kind of a bi...
Dominique Reighard3907 views09/16/11 at 15:22ineedamodelchick: i like when she was walking down the runway, and t...
Dominique Reighard3890 views09/16/11 at 15:21ineedamodelchick: ^marionette doll, like Danielle C6's doll sho...
Camille McDonald2923 views09/16/11 at 15:09anthonyboii :]: She says she traveled the world and worked with a ...
Kayla Ferrel4590 views09/16/11 at 14:59anthonyboii :]: OMG we get it your a lesbian!
Camille McDonald2923 views09/16/11 at 14:52shyho: wow better legs then miss j she looks amazing for...
Allison Harvard7877 views09/16/11 at 14:46anthonyboii :]: To be fair they had to embody their persona on the...
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