Last comments - Teyona Anderson |
Teyona Anderson11795 viewsPhoto: Mike Ruiz04/17/09 at 06:35curdledsauce: I think Celia, Allison, Natalie and Fo did the bes...
Teyona Anderson11795 viewsPhoto: Mike Ruiz04/17/09 at 05:32Who_Will_Be_ANTM: this was the first call? There's more intensit...
Teyona Anderson11795 viewsPhoto: Mike Ruiz04/17/09 at 04:58Solitaire: what IS that top she keeps wearing that looks like...
Teyona Anderson11795 viewsPhoto: Mike Ruiz04/17/09 at 03:50laurenbrei: although not obvious from afar I think I saw "...
Teyona Anderson11795 viewsPhoto: Mike Ruiz04/17/09 at 01:32aero847: Urrgg, I hate this shot! Soo not first call-out. A...
Teyona Anderson11795 viewsPhoto: Mike Ruiz04/17/09 at 00:07@ny@leigh: this was just an okay shot for me.. I think it'...
Teyona Anderson11795 viewsPhoto: Mike Ruiz04/16/09 at 23:24david18: I don't think she was too mad. I think she was...
Teyona Anderson11795 viewsPhoto: Mike Ruiz04/16/09 at 23:22Eat-Your-HeartOut-Tyra: ^^And she had no right to be mad, Celia helped Tey...
Teyona Anderson11795 viewsPhoto: Mike Ruiz04/16/09 at 22:39Yukie: london im srry girl but u do need a touch up lol
Teyona Anderson11795 viewsPhoto: Mike Ruiz04/16/09 at 22:37david18: ? That wasn't what bothered her, though. She w...
Teyona Anderson11795 viewsPhoto: Mike Ruiz04/16/09 at 22:33BoringErik: Haha, David, I forgot that Fo was half black. Now ...
Teyona Anderson11795 viewsPhoto: Mike Ruiz04/16/09 at 22:24lilgina12: i actually really like it the face is AMAZIN!!
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