Last comments - Sandra Nyanchoka |
Sandra Nyanchoka961 views11/17/09 at 00:09D.: she may be stupid, but she knows how to be hot!
Sandra Nyanchoka961 views11/16/09 at 23:59lilgina12: um.. No thank you sandra. Ill pass on this.
Sandra Nyanchoka5587 views11/16/09 at 02:22endiebaybie91: damn her eyes look yellow
Sandra Nyanchoka1847 views11/14/09 at 08:06fairflanks: It's nice.
Sandra Nyanchoka1616 views11/11/09 at 18:56esteban16: i like it very muchhhh!
Sandra Nyanchoka953 views11/11/09 at 18:56esteban16: drag..
Sandra Nyanchoka1076 views11/11/09 at 06:36Solitaire: if you can look past the hair, she her self looks ...
Sandra Nyanchoka1076 views11/08/09 at 23:14simplylovely: Hate the hair!
Sandra Nyanchoka1076 views11/08/09 at 21:36Zuraith: She's trying to be a supermodelle
Sandra Nyanchoka1515 views11/08/09 at 09:22j5s2s095: Something about this shot is weird for me, I just ...
Sandra Nyanchoka1363 views11/08/09 at 09:03maximiwax: who is kathleen?
Sandra Nyanchoka953 views11/08/09 at 08:58maximiwax: it's okay...
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