Last comments - From the Show - All Stars |
Isis King4147 views09/16/11 at 12:01nocturnal_lights: Ok what are you guys talking about? first of all f...
Isis King4147 views09/16/11 at 06:43butteredtoast84: Isis came back for the sake of ratings. That'...
Isis King4147 views09/16/11 at 00:56jano150: WTF . he is a dudeeee. so not modeling
Isis King4147 views09/15/11 at 15:56G4nebula: I don't hate Isis, but top photo? are you kid...
Isis King4147 views09/15/11 at 13:07LisaTheDiva: It's cool.
Isis King4147 views09/12/11 at 01:12bookie11: i really hope she/he does better this cycle. want ...
Isis King4147 views09/11/11 at 11:40Aufa: This is too ANTM-fierce for me, ANTM-fierce pictur...
Isis King4147 views09/09/11 at 17:14joeltm: dont be hating this is average need more in the ey...
Isis King4147 views08/27/11 at 13:08killerboyz: i think she can do better than this
Isis King4147 views08/23/11 at 18:18Bellhop36: I think Isis has improved immensely since cycle 11...
Isis King4147 views08/23/11 at 04:39anthonyboii :]: I like her and I'm totally rooting for her al...
Isis King4147 views08/23/11 at 01:54tflats: @jericho - good for you! I wish people wouldn'...