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Lisa D'Amato8473 viewsPhoto: Nick Maroudias01/01/10 at 23:17: she looks like a drag version of natasha richardso...
Lisa D'Amato7359 views01/01/10 at 15:14addictionx: The mouth reminds me of a monkey. But theres alot ...
Lisa D'Amato8473 viewsPhoto: Nick Maroudias11/23/09 at 13:1712shadesofpurple: @Mechum: Hmm, I'm not sure, actually. Kat, Nor...
Lisa D'Amato8473 viewsPhoto: Nick Maroudias11/23/09 at 13:06karenzuelalulz: Her paparazzi picture is what sent her home unfort...
Lisa D'Amato11972 viewsPhoto: Craig de Cristo11/23/09 at 12:59Mechum22: ^ Tyra was jealous? What about when she tried to ...
Lisa D'Amato11972 viewsPhoto: Craig de Cristo11/23/09 at 08:10Top Model Michelle: She's so not annoying. She's was just obvi...
Lisa D'Amato11972 viewsPhoto: Craig de Cristo11/10/09 at 22:29Benettelle: she's such a douche "eat cookies"
Lisa D'Amato8473 viewsPhoto: Nick Maroudias10/26/09 at 21:00NRS1: ^^ I do feel that final 4 was a good place for her...
Lisa D'Amato5263 views10/24/09 at 12:51LisaTheDiva: ^She does
Lisa D'Amato8473 viewsPhoto: Nick Maroudias10/22/09 at 04:13longtimefan: ^ Agreed.
Lisa D'Amato8473 viewsPhoto: Nick Maroudias10/22/09 at 03:15Mechum22: ^ It is a valid point that Ford, the agency with w...
Lisa D'Amato8473 viewsPhoto: Nick Maroudias10/21/09 at 09:53NRS1: She did. She's a good model, don't get me ...
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