^^^At the rate the show is you may be right...HOWEVER, I just hope Ann gets knocked off her high horse in a future episode. Eliminated? Not exactly, but a 3rd to 7th call out would be poetic retribution.
[Oct 14, 2010 at 07:11 PM]
^^^^^You're right, it's not Ann Word. It's Ann WARD ;D And this is an AMAZING photo in my opinion.
It's so obvious she's gonna win this cycle when really girls like chelsea or JANE, (especially Jane) would benefit and make the most out of all those amazing prizes. Ann will get her cover and her spread, get signed with IMG, have a contract with CG and completely disappear in a matter of months. She obviously isn't right for runway, or commercial and is rather hit or miss when it comes to pictures, so really I don't think she'll have much going on for her.
I think his girl is really amazing I´m pretty sure that fashion world is ready for her... I love her eyes her actitude and I think that we will se more from her for so long
She's being set-up for a huge downfall. Getting all these (undeserved) FCOs this early in the show is not a good thing. And she looks like a sad puppy in this picture. Wtf.