All of the girls could have done better portraying that vampire personality IMO... This photo of her is quite good in a whole but not as good with the close up :S
meh! mediocre like everything she people can't honestly mean she's better than whitney so far she has done as poor as whitney...her profile is awful and you just can't deny she looks fat...can't wait for her to go home
I like the interaction and intensity in this shot. shes continues to impress me with her photos. ^^and analeigh shes supposed to be a plus sized model...shes not going to be stick skinning in her photos. I think her body is great
I hate to bash Tatianna, but Alexandra looks skinnier than Tatianna in this photo. I still think Tyra is rigging it and choosing photos that aren't the best for the strongest girls, so that she can suck up to ALT and give Alasia FCOs.
^^^^^^Last I knew she was PLUS-SIZED. Being bigger comes with the territory. Also I don't see any similarity between any of her poses so far, Nigel is becoming more and more of a nuisance.
^Considering Nigel has been a pain in the ass since the beginning, him getting worse is pretty bad. He's been annoying me more and more every cycle. I see a slight resemblance between her pose in this photo and her first photo, but I don't think it's that big of a deal. Besides, McKey would do the same pose, and I don't remember any complaining (from the judges).
She had so much better photos than this one. I hope she goes far, she deserves it!
[Apr 06, 2010 at 11:42 PM]
It is a similar pose to the other two full-length shots, with the same arm thrust back and the leaning. Still, I like this picture... it looks classic.