You will not accept your rough feelings against Jane. IMG hired her, IMG does castings where there meassure the models' abilities so all your previous comments are invalid and out of pure hate, kthxbye
^^ There is a way to express dislike for a model without sounding like a hater. IMG hired her, so obviously they see potential. I accept that you don't like Jane, but do you really have to act aggressively towards people who disagree with you? Anyway on topic, I don't like this shot as much as I used to, it doesn't showcase her face or body very well.
Seriously... esteban... u2... if you guys do not stop fighting with each other, I am going to ban both of you until the new cycle starts airing. D: I'm getting sick of cleaning up your spats!
I just think that maybe the other girls but Kayla was Lesbian? I'm gay, and for me that guy was totally super hot. Why the other girls just couldn't find the way to became in with the guy? I think that Kayla isn't alone in the house.