@karenzuelalulz. thats what I meant. just b/c shes skinnier now does not automatically mean she has an eating disorder, thats a stupid assumption people make. thats why I said ignorant. For her health I certainly hope she doesn't. enough said. anyway I like these latest test shots of brittany. work it girl!
Yeah, I've seen that blog too. I do think it's quite possible she has an eating disorder, and I consider myself to be more knowledgeable than many people (I've struggled with anorexia for 6 years). If she's this skinny naturally, more power to her ^.^ I've liked her more and more ever since she was eliminated.
Neither you nor I have anyway of knowing if she has an eating disorder, I said that I think she has one and that's my opinion and it's not stupid, at the weight she was before she shouldn't be looking any thinner IMO, end of story.