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Home > Cycle 6 > Sara Albert

Last comments - Sara Albert
Sara Albert3116 viewsPhoto: Jay Lawrence Goldman16 comments02/21/09 at 12:53divalicious4: amazing skin and eyes and lips but the expression ...
Sara Albert2575 views9 comments02/21/09 at 12:52divalicious4: like it, but she slightly annoyed me on the show
Sara Albert2590 views18 comments02/21/09 at 12:50divalicious4: pretty features, but blank eyes. she definitely ha...
Sara Albert1239 viewsPhoto: A Digital Cure2 comments02/17/09 at 00:01topmodelfan51: SARA! THIS IS IT, GIRL! I KNEW U HAD IT IN U!!!
Sara Albert6342 viewsPhoto: Trevor O'Shana40 comments02/14/09 at 20:31Mycatjewel: The best thing is that her leg is angled above the...
Sara Albert6342 viewsPhoto: Trevor O'Shana40 comments02/14/09 at 20:05divalicious4: this, to me, is an example of a girl who looks lik...
Sara Albert8015 viewsPhoto: Pascal Demeester62 comments02/13/09 at 11:36oceanxmist: Her eyes are like stars!
Sara Albert8015 viewsPhoto: Pascal Demeester62 comments02/07/09 at 22:30curdledsauce: This is beautiful, I love the grace of her hands. ...
Sara Albert1309 viewsPhoto: Regeti's Photography2 comments02/07/09 at 03:36lighter2darker: she laugh naturally .
Sara Albert7913 viewsPhoto: Nigel Barker55 comments02/07/09 at 00:10Who_Will_Be_ANTM: ^'Cause she was so damn good model that she di...
Sara Albert7913 viewsPhoto: Nigel Barker55 comments02/06/09 at 22:01oceanxmist: How did she get to the top four without learning t...
Sara Albert7198 viewsPhoto: Thomas Klementsson41 comments02/06/09 at 21:59oceanxmist: Her pout is adorable and she captured the light pe...
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