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Home > Cycle 6 > Kathy Hoxit

Last comments - Kathy Hoxit
Kathy Hoxit2224 views15 comments12/27/08 at 11:22lighter2darker: nose look weird .
Kathy Hoxit2224 views15 comments12/27/08 at 10:14david18: I love the swimsuit. She has a great look.
Kathy Hoxit2384 viewsPhoto: Shon D. Photography21 comments12/25/08 at 03:44lighter2darker: i think her face little bit like katarzyna .
Kathy Hoxit2384 viewsPhoto: Shon D. Photography21 comments12/24/08 at 23:08Katarzyna-Jenah-McKey: Why couldn't she look like this on the show? I...
Kathy Hoxit2392 views16 comments12/14/08 at 09:3994ayd: Mediocre.
Kathy Hoxit2537 views13 comments12/14/08 at 09:3894ayd: Everything's wrong about it.
Kathy Hoxit2678 viewsPhoto: Jay Lawrence Goldman20 comments12/14/08 at 09:3794ayd: Her best pic during the show.
Kathy Hoxit4985 viewsPhoto: Pascal Demeester40 comments12/14/08 at 09:3794ayd: Dead expression.
Kathy Hoxit2488 viewsPhoto: Master C Photography10 comments12/01/08 at 12:27Zuraith: Its like the bald shoot all over again! Everyone r...
Kathy Hoxit2488 viewsPhoto: Master C Photography10 comments11/27/08 at 18:04Solitaire: looks like her bald shoot, sept shes learned this ...
Kathy Hoxit2367 viewsPhoto: Shon D. Photography7 comments11/26/08 at 08:41voguehan: she looks good with red hair
Kathy Hoxit2488 viewsPhoto: Master C Photography10 comments11/13/08 at 17:11redsoxrule794: if her eyes were facing the camera i think it woul...
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