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Home > Cycle 9 > Kimberly Leemans

Last comments - Kimberly Leemans
Kimberly Leemans7064 viewsPhoto: Matthew Jordan Smith73 comments11/04/09 at 17:37Lilstarrgazr: I see the Taylor Swift comparison, sort of, but I ...
Kimberly Leemans2961 views10 comments11/02/09 at 15:27EmoRainbowsx3: I love Kim! I wanted her to be ATLEAST in the fina...
Kimberly Leemans3230 views8 comments10/31/09 at 22:56j5s2s095: I like the angle of the face but not the body
Kimberly Leemans986 viewsPhoto: Jerritt Clark8 comments10/28/09 at 03:52silverspoon: Solitaire i thought the exact same thing
Kimberly Leemans635 viewsPhoto: Alex Oryan2 comments10/26/09 at 21:01j5s2s095: I find it hard to believe this is a real backgroun...
Kimberly Leemans986 viewsPhoto: Jerritt Clark8 comments10/26/09 at 20:46antmchocholate: she looks like adrianne here 100%'
Kimberly Leemans635 viewsPhoto: Alex Oryan2 comments10/26/09 at 20:37antmchocholate: gorgeous background.Its like shes a ballerina.
Kimberly Leemans7064 viewsPhoto: Matthew Jordan Smith73 comments10/25/09 at 02:44solangel: Way better than Bianca's - Kim looks like Tayl...
Kimberly Leemans866 views7 comments10/13/09 at 01:00lilgina12: the arm around her boobs ruins it.
Kimberly Leemans1974 viewsFor: Ocala, November 200813 comments10/12/09 at 08:46fairflanks: She's snotty looking here
Kimberly Leemans866 views7 comments10/11/09 at 11:36j5s2s095: I know, I'm fine with moles, but in such an an...
Kimberly Leemans866 views7 comments10/11/09 at 11:31butteredtoast84: There's nothing wrong with those moles.
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