Last comments - Jessie Rabideau |
Jessie Rabideau3015 viewsPhoto: Shenae Grimes05/26/12 at 22:45thepanel: I thought she was a plussie based on these head sh...
Jessie Rabideau2203 views05/26/12 at 19:34: She reminds me of Velma with those glasses. Probab...
Jessie Rabideau2203 views05/26/12 at 16:49anthonyboii :]: quirky girls! yay i like her but her bone structur...
Jessie Rabideau2203 views05/26/12 at 14:44lluvy143: I kinda see a diamond in the rough here. Quirky, c...
Jessie Rabideau2203 views05/26/12 at 10:43avril_ice: I have a feeling she will be my favorite
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