Last comments - Allyssa Vuelma |
Allyssa Vuelma4036 viewsPhoto: Tony Duran09/14/12 at 19:07sugar_n_spice: Trying to be Alicia Keys & Megan Fox... and failin...
Allyssa Vuelma3040 viewsPhoto: Shenae Grimes09/14/12 at 19:07sugar_n_spice: ... The hell?!?!?! Haven't been watching - pl...
Allyssa Vuelma3427 viewsPhoto: Jez Smith09/11/12 at 22:06BryanJanDavis: ^LMAO it does
Allyssa Vuelma3397 viewsPhoto: William Richardson09/11/12 at 22:04BryanJanDavis: ^Have you seen her pre-show shot? Bitch got rolls....
Allyssa Vuelma4036 viewsPhoto: Tony Duran09/04/12 at 13:11BryanJanDavis: This girl has been bumped up to my 6th place after...
Allyssa Vuelma3040 viewsPhoto: Shenae Grimes09/02/12 at 16:00: So overscored. To me this was one of the worst.
Allyssa Vuelma3583 viewsPhoto: Sarah Silver09/02/12 at 10:36chris_21: it's cool
Allyssa Vuelma3040 viewsPhoto: Shenae Grimes09/01/12 at 20:07anthonyboii :]: i have nothing good to say ( nole's voice)
Allyssa Vuelma3583 viewsPhoto: Sarah Silver09/01/12 at 20:05anthonyboii :]: she look cute in the air.
Allyssa Vuelma3269 viewsPhoto: Mike Ruiz09/01/12 at 20:05anthonyboii :]: it's good for her.
Allyssa Vuelma3113 viewsPhoto: Douglas Friedman09/01/12 at 20:04anthonyboii :]: noooooooo girl noooooooooooo
Allyssa Vuelma3185 viewsPhoto: Mark "The Cobra Snake" Hunter09/01/12 at 20:04anthonyboii :]: her i'm going to shank u face
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