Last comments - Claire Unabia |
Claire Unabia487 viewsPhoto: Dallas Photography11/03/09 at 01:56Who_Will_Be_ANTM: Oh no! Is bethany awake? God help us!
Claire Unabia697 viewsPhoto: Dallas Photography11/03/09 at 01:35Spiderwebs95: ew
Claire Unabia697 viewsPhoto: Dallas Photography11/03/09 at 01:14silverspoon: she looks like cycle 13 nicole.
Claire Unabia626 viewsPhoto: Dallas Photography11/03/09 at 00:22lilgina12: ^haha yes, my bad, i forget to type words and lett...
Claire Unabia487 viewsPhoto: Dallas Photography11/03/09 at 00:06BethanyisAWAKE: I like her hair!
Claire Unabia487 viewsPhoto: Dallas Photography11/02/09 at 23:26karenzuelalulz: LMAO @ the arm, who the hell would face the arm li...
Claire Unabia626 viewsPhoto: Dallas Photography11/02/09 at 23:19modelatico: ^This!
Claire Unabia487 viewsPhoto: Dallas Photography11/02/09 at 23:06lilgina12: thats a really ugly arm. She looks like she's ...
Claire Unabia697 viewsPhoto: Dallas Photography11/02/09 at 23:05lilgina12: the other one is definatly better she looks way to...
Claire Unabia626 viewsPhoto: Dallas Photography11/02/09 at 23:04lilgina12: its very drag but i really like XD
Claire Unabia626 viewsPhoto: Dallas Photography11/02/09 at 23:04LaceyVibe: LOVE this! The hair is cool, too.
Claire Unabia487 viewsPhoto: Dallas Photography11/02/09 at 23:03LaceyVibe: Oh shit. This looks beyond creepy.
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