Last comments - Bianca Richardson |
Bianca Richardson5331 viewsPhoto: Baldomero Fernandez09/12/09 at 15:4012shadesofpurple: ^Very true. I also agree with your comment saying ...
Bianca Richardson5331 viewsPhoto: Baldomero Fernandez09/12/09 at 14:27: ^I think that's a bit much. I mean the judges ...
Bianca Richardson5331 viewsPhoto: Baldomero Fernandez09/12/09 at 14:16jefko12: this picture is thw orst in the history of antm
Bianca Richardson5331 viewsPhoto: Baldomero Fernandez09/12/09 at 13:31OSHUNLIDE: not horrible... people just say its bad because th...
Bianca Richardson4760 viewsPhoto: Jerry Mettellus09/12/09 at 13:30OSHUNLIDE: i sort of like her. But i don't like her attit...
Bianca Richardson5331 viewsPhoto: Baldomero Fernandez09/12/09 at 10:54pacp: HATE IT..!!
Bianca Richardson5331 viewsPhoto: Baldomero Fernandez09/12/09 at 09:55nocthimal: very chaka hate it
Bianca Richardson5331 viewsPhoto: Baldomero Fernandez09/12/09 at 08:53Spoink19: she looks like she needs to poop and couldnt get i...
Bianca Richardson5331 viewsPhoto: Baldomero Fernandez09/12/09 at 08:48ryan-17: nice pose she looks tall, but absolutely hideous e...
Bianca Richardson4760 viewsPhoto: Jerry Mettellus09/12/09 at 08:47ryan-17: hated her makeover, hate her, but i like this pic,...
Bianca Richardson5331 viewsPhoto: Baldomero Fernandez09/12/09 at 07:48longtimefan: I'm really glad this Cycle the first photo sho...
Bianca Richardson4760 viewsPhoto: Jerry Mettellus09/12/09 at 07:45lashlarue: "I look like an alien"
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