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Home > Cycle 12 > Teyona Anderson

Last comments - Teyona Anderson
Teyona Anderson15523 viewsPhoto: Keith Major204 comments04/03/09 at 12:17Solitaire: to be fair Anya shot was a bit worse than this
Teyona Anderson15523 viewsPhoto: Keith Major204 comments04/03/09 at 12:14Lilstarrgazr: This is a mediocre picture at best. The eyes look...
Teyona Anderson15523 viewsPhoto: Keith Major204 comments04/03/09 at 11:11jon63: Gorgeouss! great skin and great eyes
Teyona Anderson15523 viewsPhoto: Keith Major204 comments04/03/09 at 10:34RationThePoor: Shes' really smiling with those eyes. And she&...
Teyona Anderson15523 viewsPhoto: Keith Major204 comments04/03/09 at 09:56Solitaire: nope, same photo, shes alright
Teyona Anderson15523 viewsPhoto: Keith Major204 comments04/03/09 at 09:54markisos: Teyona I s a M O D E L.And i don't continue th...
Teyona Anderson15523 viewsPhoto: Keith Major204 comments04/03/09 at 09:51Solitaire: calm down, its a nice pic, but not a models pic, g...
Teyona Anderson15523 viewsPhoto: Keith Major204 comments04/03/09 at 09:38markisos: Yes i have see her mouth!And i don't see anyth...
Teyona Anderson15523 viewsPhoto: Keith Major204 comments04/03/09 at 09:21Solitaire: perfect? do you not see her mouth?
Teyona Anderson15523 viewsPhoto: Keith Major204 comments04/03/09 at 09:17markisos: This is just PERFECT!And haters stop saying that i...
Teyona Anderson15523 viewsPhoto: Keith Major204 comments04/03/09 at 08:04themilkshakeman: I was trying to think of who she looks like here, ...
Teyona Anderson15523 viewsPhoto: Keith Major204 comments04/03/09 at 07:40longtimefan: She looks so different in film doesn't she...
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