Last comments - Sandra Nyanchoka |
Sandra Nyanchoka652 viewsPhoto: Francesca Andre05/02/10 at 22:45SexyBlackGuy2009: "Girl, let me tell u about this B&*$@ nam...
Sandra Nyanchoka1305 views05/02/10 at 22:36RealityTVking: ^ just my thought
Sandra Nyanchoka1305 views05/02/10 at 22:05SexyBlackGuy2009: Looked Like Kelle, cycle 3, in the thumbnail.
Sandra Nyanchoka694 viewsPhoto: Francesca Andre05/02/10 at 20:50SexyBlackGuy2009: Lose the jacket and do something with that birdsne...
Sandra Nyanchoka694 viewsPhoto: Francesca Andre05/02/10 at 00:47: She does look nice here though, not neccessarily m...
Sandra Nyanchoka801 views05/01/10 at 16:16: Very Pretty. I'd like to see more from her
Sandra Nyanchoka694 viewsPhoto: Francesca Andre05/01/10 at 13:06fairflanks: Looks like she has a 'stache and her hair is a...
Sandra Nyanchoka652 viewsPhoto: Francesca Andre05/01/10 at 13:05Tacita: Totally agree, I dont know what happened to it her...
Sandra Nyanchoka652 viewsPhoto: Francesca Andre05/01/10 at 12:48: Bad smile. Sucks because Sandra normally has one o...
Sandra Nyanchoka8258 viewsPhoto: Keith Major04/07/10 at 07:17: This is the only photo in ANTM that I cannot even ...
Sandra Nyanchoka610 viewsPhoto: Beverli A. Photography03/13/10 at 12:22maximiwax: what is she doing? o.O
Sandra Nyanchoka1285 views03/07/10 at 00:32fairflanks: WTH? Her face looks so strange and I'm distra...
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