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SexyBlackGuy2009's profile
Username SexyBlackGuy2009
Status active
Joined Feb 03, 2009
Location Columbus, Ohio /D.O.B. 11-13-76/ BigTime ANTM Fan
Interests All Sports, Working 0ut, Travel, Shopping, ANTM "of course", Amusement Parks, Meeting New People, Eating. lol
Favourite contestants I like you if you're good, thats it. I don't base my opinion on who brings the most drama, color, gender, if they are on a roll, none of that crap. l just go by week to week and if your printwork/test shots are worthy of a good comment.I usually do not comment on average or just ok pics, l usually comment on the good or very bad. I have no hate in my heart, but I am very honest about my opinions, and they maybe be taken that way. I just like fashion, and I would like to think I know a bit about it. However, I am no expert. I just like fashion and I think I am honest and would like to think I know what I'm talking about. I do not argue and rather enjoy respecting others and their opinions. I am not baised, period, for no reason. I enjoy commenting on other people's comments, and do so, respectfully. If you see a comment you do not like or that you find offensive, please comment and let me know.Or if u like one of my comments, hell, comment back..l always like talking back to people regarding something they may have found interesting, funny, or just comment worthy. I am 33, from Columbus, Ohio, a fun cool laid back guy that is into sports and just enjoying life. l think what makes me sexiest is my nice, laid back, very cordial personality. Happy Commenting.
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01/13/12 at 12:20Tanya Dziahileva, come get your sister..