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Home > Cycle 12 > Nijah Harris

Last comments - Nijah Harris
Nijah Harris5654 viewsPhoto: Nigel Barker44 comments04/14/09 at 15:15SilentSymphony: She looks like a mannequin that has fallen over in...
Nijah Harris4642 views41 comments04/12/09 at 18:06Manny_R_718: her unretouched is better than her retouched.
Nijah Harris1402 views1 comments04/12/09 at 15:14LaLoLu: She NEEDS a makeover.
Nijah Harris5654 viewsPhoto: Nigel Barker44 comments04/08/09 at 06:07Yoshilover: lol jessica looks like a frumpy caveman
Nijah Harris3675 views19 comments04/02/09 at 11:08Glamorous: I htink she was trying to go soft, but it's no...
Nijah Harris1554 views3 comments04/02/09 at 00:02anthonyboii :]: cuteeeeeeeeee supah cute Smile
Nijah Harris3675 views19 comments04/01/09 at 02:09dramamajor: Just pretty.
Nijah Harris3675 views19 comments03/31/09 at 11:20Jarhys: Why I saw Anya in this picture?
Nijah Harris3675 views19 comments03/30/09 at 10:15Costaricafashion: She looks like; where is my bed?? Need some rest!
Nijah Harris3675 views19 comments03/29/09 at 17:50Katarzyna-Jenah-McKey: She looks pretty. Nothing memorable though.
Nice ...
Nijah Harris3675 views19 comments03/29/09 at 15:30BoringErik: She's so pretty.
Nijah Harris3675 views19 comments03/29/09 at 15:09LaLoLu: This shot is worse then the one she first had.
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