Last comments - Elyse Sewell |
Elyse Sewell760 views08/08/09 at 11:47SexyBlackGuy2009: Gorgeous, Classic, Timeless..Looks like an old 190...
Elyse Sewell1070 viewsPhoto: Andy Julia
For: Fanny Liautard08/08/09 at 11:45SexyBlackGuy2009: l love this 100 times over...l love when she can d...
Elyse Sewell747 views08/08/09 at 11:43SexyBlackGuy2009: You can tell that she is truly feeling the emotion...
Elyse Sewell1143 viewsPhoto: Andy Julia
For: Fanny Liautard08/08/09 at 11:42SexyBlackGuy2009: Looks like a giant..Her limbs are almost alien-lik...
Elyse Sewell913 viewsFor: Cosmopolitan Hong Kong08/08/09 at 01:33hair~bear: i know! it's like a hf wedgie pick!
Elyse Sewell1022 viewsPhoto: Andy Julia
For: Fanny Liautard08/08/09 at 01:28hair~bear: elyse=perfect
Elyse Sewell1153 viewsFor: Cosmopolitan Hong Kong08/07/09 at 23:24LaceyVibe: Stunning face. Tai, check the photo information th...
Elyse Sewell1153 viewsFor: Cosmopolitan Hong Kong08/07/09 at 23:21TaiOfMine: ^ Just a little. X3
Elyse Sewell919 viewsFor: Cosmopolitan Hong Kong08/07/09 at 23:21longtimefan: She pulled the look off wonderfully.
Elyse Sewell1153 viewsFor: Cosmopolitan Hong Kong08/07/09 at 23:19longtimefan: ^^ You are a leapord print freak, huh?
Elyse Sewell919 viewsFor: Cosmopolitan Hong Kong08/07/09 at 23:02SexyBlackGuy2009: Classic-ly stunning, like 1920's stunning..
Elyse Sewell919 viewsFor: Cosmopolitan Hong Kong08/07/09 at 23:01ASKD: so haunting =) love it
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