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Home > Cycle 1 > Elyse Sewell

Last comments - Elyse Sewell
Elyse Sewell1176 viewsFor: Cosmopolitan Hong Kong8 comments03/12/10 at 21:1412shadesofpurple: ^It's amazing how much gets by editors.
Elyse Sewell1176 viewsFor: Cosmopolitan Hong Kong8 comments03/12/10 at 19:27diegoxstar: they wrote elise and it's Elyse XDD
Elyse Sewell1176 viewsFor: Cosmopolitan Hong Kong8 comments03/11/10 at 12:52Dex.: haha well. shes fierce! -waves finger and runs-
Elyse Sewell2839 viewsFor: Prive Asia Magazine
Photo: Baldovino Barani
22 comments03/11/10 at 01:43D.: Take note Cassie (AusNTM cycle 5) this is how you ...
Elyse Sewell1176 viewsFor: Cosmopolitan Hong Kong8 comments03/11/10 at 01:34david18: Well, sorry to burst bubbles, but this isn't r...
Elyse Sewell1527 viewsFor: VVA Vinavina11 comments03/11/10 at 00:50mbux711: favorite...model...ever. f*ck I love Elyse
Elyse Sewell1176 viewsFor: Cosmopolitan Hong Kong8 comments03/11/10 at 00:45Dex.: pure fashion. glad to see elyse still working it. ...
Elyse Sewell1176 viewsFor: Cosmopolitan Hong Kong8 comments03/10/10 at 23:39puppetmasters21: Love it.
Elyse Sewell1527 viewsFor: VVA Vinavina11 comments03/10/10 at 21:28david18: I'm not 100% sure, but I believe they were sho...
Elyse Sewell894 viewsFor: VVA Vinavina3 comments03/10/10 at 20:04chungchungxavier: THANK GOD !!! Elyse has NOT YET , as of now , quit...
Elyse Sewell1527 viewsFor: VVA Vinavina11 comments03/10/10 at 19:26Kitten20: Are these recent
Elyse Sewell29205 viewsPhoto: Troy Ward217 comments03/10/10 at 06:25nexttopwaddle: Elyse deserved to be called first that week. one o...
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