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Last comments - Elyse Sewell
Elyse Sewell1324 viewsPhoto: Baldovino Barani
For: MAMi Magazine
4 comments07/20/08 at 00:19darefron: legs to die for. even she is posing like this, u c...
Elyse Sewell1547 viewsPhoto: Baldovino Barani
For: MAMi Magazine
12 comments07/20/08 at 00:16darefron: i actually like it, it's like a piece of art. ...
Elyse Sewell1547 viewsPhoto: Baldovino Barani
For: MAMi Magazine
12 comments07/19/08 at 23:48zachattack22293: ew Shocked
Elyse Sewell29196 viewsPhoto: Troy Ward217 comments07/19/08 at 05:48Yoshilover: Thats it! its the shoulders that annoy me. Thanx f...
Elyse Sewell29196 viewsPhoto: Troy Ward217 comments07/18/08 at 23:05Manny_R_718: I Love Elyse Because Of This Shot Everything Is Pe...
Elyse Sewell29196 viewsPhoto: Troy Ward217 comments07/18/08 at 08:06Yoshilover: I agree with you f1erce, something here doesnt wor...
Elyse Sewell29196 viewsPhoto: Troy Ward217 comments07/17/08 at 21:45f1erce.: why does everyone adore this picture so much it lo...
Elyse Sewell29196 viewsPhoto: Troy Ward217 comments07/17/08 at 02:06Mechum22: ^ @ BabinTwins - If you don't act like winning...
Elyse Sewell2549 views6 comments07/16/08 at 23:59165789309: I love how she can just wear anything and look awe...
Elyse Sewell13216 viewsPhoto: Tyra Banks62 comments07/16/08 at 21:58Jhg812: Good photo, bad angle.
Elyse Sewell16824 viewsPhoto: Patrick Katzman54 comments07/16/08 at 21:58Jhg812: Very artistic.
Elyse Sewell14143 viewsPhoto: Michel Haddi107 comments07/16/08 at 21:57Jhg812: This reminds me of Megg's "Bearded Lady&q...
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