Last comments - Mercedes Scelba-Shorte |
Mercedes Scelba-Shorte12581 viewsPhoto: Nigel Barker05/25/09 at 19:51lolfierce: This is amazing, one of the best of the week, alon...
Mercedes Scelba-Shorte9605 viewsPhoto: Massimo Costoli05/25/09 at 19:50lolfierce: Such a powerful photograph.
Mercedes Scelba-Shorte14888 viewsPhoto: Massimo Costoli05/18/09 at 20:30KEPPLER: esta foto de mercedes es de calidad eso no se pued...
Mercedes Scelba-Shorte14888 viewsPhoto: Massimo Costoli05/18/09 at 08:32Costaricafashion: Para mi la de Yoanna es mucho mejor.
Mercedes Scelba-Shorte14888 viewsPhoto: Massimo Costoli05/18/09 at 00:54lezs: amo a mercedes, y esta foto es la mejor (L)
Mercedes Scelba-Shorte14888 viewsPhoto: Massimo Costoli05/17/09 at 17:41lolfierce: Incredbily powerful. If Yoanna's wasn't ar...
Mercedes Scelba-Shorte14888 viewsPhoto: Massimo Costoli05/15/09 at 14:26Who_Will_Be_ANTM: Thanks, everybody
Mercedes Scelba-Shorte14888 viewsPhoto: Massimo Costoli05/12/09 at 23:11Eat-Your-HeartOut-Tyra: ^Sara maybe but Catie? I doubt it, she's done ...
Mercedes Scelba-Shorte14888 viewsPhoto: Massimo Costoli05/12/09 at 16:17: Catie? Sara? I don't remember any of the girls...
Mercedes Scelba-Shorte14888 viewsPhoto: Massimo Costoli05/12/09 at 15:31Mechum22: Reply to poll: I'd venture to say April. (But...
Mercedes Scelba-Shorte14888 viewsPhoto: Massimo Costoli05/10/09 at 11:27crosbythefirst: Reply to poll: Mercedes
Mercedes Scelba-Shorte629 viewsFor: Rachel Pally05/09/09 at 06:45shyho: ahh stalkers lol im just happy for the girls
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