Last comments - Tatiana Dante |
Tatiana Dante2676 views11/12/09 at 16:20topmodelfan101: ^She would and ^^She does
Tatiana Dante2676 views11/12/09 at 15:26david18: ^She'd be a fantastic Ralph Lauren girl.
Tatiana Dante2676 views11/12/09 at 12:46ambrealWilliams: She's really high fashion. She looks like a gr...
Tatiana Dante1003 viewsPhoto: Art of Women11/07/09 at 19:03srslyjustsayin: She has a kickass body, but she needs to relax her...
Tatiana Dante6461 viewsPhoto: Johann Wolf11/07/09 at 15:29: I don't think it is awful, but it is still a b...
Tatiana Dante4635 viewsPhoto: Delaney & Gitte11/05/09 at 09:40shyho: its okay to look young in the modeling industry bu...
Tatiana Dante4946 viewsPhoto: Mathu Anderson11/02/09 at 22:55Benettelle: Face reminds me of kat: cycle 10
Tatiana Dante741 viewsPhoto: Art of Women11/01/09 at 23:58lilgina12: she looks like a very developed 13 year old no...
Tatiana Dante5183 viewsPhoto: Kwaku Alston10/30/09 at 07:19: It is better than a lot of the others this week.
Tatiana Dante2676 views10/22/09 at 06:52j5s2s095: I'm getting a Giselle-y vibe here
Tatiana Dante3456 viewsPhoto: Gabbeli Photography
For: People Magazine’s Celebrity Baby Blog10/20/09 at 12:18LisaTheDiva: The baby picture looks creepy.
Tatiana Dante1293 viewsPhoto: Gabbeli Photography
For: People Magazine’s Celebrity Baby Blog10/20/09 at 12:17LisaTheDiva: Was she pregnant?
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