Last comments - Kyle Kavanagh |
Kyle Kavanagh5661 viewsPhoto: Richard Dean10/06/09 at 14:4912shadesofpurple: Not that great imo. But I want the shoes!
Kyle Kavanagh839 viewsPhoto: Matthew Martin10/04/09 at 09:36j5s2s095: Poor Kyle, she can do so much better
Kyle Kavanagh630 viewsPhoto: Matthew Martin10/04/09 at 09:36j5s2s095: I think the other girl looks like an ugly Fatima
Kyle Kavanagh602 views09/24/09 at 19:24j5s2s095: This is amazing, her second best post show picture
Kyle Kavanagh1026 views09/24/09 at 19:22j5s2s095: I think it's pretty, her legs look insanely sh...
Kyle Kavanagh5661 viewsPhoto: Richard Dean09/18/09 at 23:03amdetata: I don't understand why the judges didn't l...
Kyle Kavanagh1021 views09/18/09 at 20:19NRS1: Caridee!
Kyle Kavanagh5356 views09/16/09 at 18:40NRS1: I wouldn't call her horrible...
Kyle Kavanagh5661 viewsPhoto: Richard Dean09/16/09 at 18:40NRS1: The only problem is the shoes, and that's not ...
Kyle Kavanagh5432 viewsPhoto: Jason Willheim09/16/09 at 18:40NRS1: She is so great! You go Kyle!
Kyle Kavanagh6272 viewsPhoto: Janice Dickinson09/16/09 at 18:39NRS1: This photo is awesome! A little weird, but this ph...
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