Last comments - Cycle 7 |
Jaeda Young4922 viewsPhoto: Patrik Giardino05/09/08 at 22:43Heartbeat_Rock: vanilla, she didn't made it this far. Remember...
Brooke Miller6442 viewsPhoto: Randee St. Nicholas05/09/08 at 22:39Heartbeat_Rock: I agree in that Jaeda had a beautiful face and wit...
Brooke Miller6442 viewsPhoto: Randee St. Nicholas05/09/08 at 20:01Jaylen: I think personality-wise, Brooke deserved to stay,...
Brooke Miller6883 viewsPhoto: Tracy Bayne05/09/08 at 19:57Jaylen: She looks like girl from Prom Night, very high sch...
CariDee English4178 viewsPhoto: Michael David Adams
For: Wedding Style05/09/08 at 19:53Jaylen: Are you guys crazy? her arms look fabulous
Jaeda Young5369 viewsPhoto: Tracy Bayne05/09/08 at 19:18Mechum22: No, it's not fantastic, but was this really as...
Jaeda Young5369 viewsPhoto: Tracy Bayne05/09/08 at 19:12Heartbeat_Rock: her makeover was amazing, but she never embraced i...
Eugena Washington8391 viewsPhoto: Jim DeYonker05/09/08 at 18:59Heartbeat_Rock: steagle: that's what i was thinking on this se...
Jaeda Young4922 viewsPhoto: Patrik Giardino05/09/08 at 18:58Lady_Ivanov: ... This is a mess.
Jaeda Young7124 viewsPhoto: Tyra Banks05/09/08 at 18:58Lady_Ivanov: This is probably her only good shot, and I don'...
Jaeda Young5369 viewsPhoto: Tracy Bayne05/09/08 at 18:57Lady_Ivanov: I agreed, this was her time to go home. I don'...
Eugena Washington5697 viewsPhoto: Randee St. Nicholas05/09/08 at 18:55Lady_Ivanov: I think eugena need some eye contact with the came...
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