Photos of every ANTM contestant!
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Sarah Hartshorne8225 viewsPhoto: Fredric Reshew73 comments04/27/08 at 05:42Ssymour: I'm sorry, but if she is plus size, then I am ...
Saleisha Stowers3786 viewsPhoto: Luis Aragon22 comments04/27/08 at 05:24La Di dA: ive never been a saleisha fan, buti have to admit ...
Heather Kuzmich16921 viewsPhoto: Fredric Reshew109 comments04/27/08 at 00:30Mechum22: ... and i dig the pose, too! i really like the sl...
Ebony Morgan11572 viewsPhoto: Mike Rosenthal120 comments04/27/08 at 00:25Mechum22: agreed, deathkami. It's off, but I'm nutt...
Anya Kop22317 viewsPhoto: Peter Buckingham130 comments04/27/08 at 00:13Mechum22: I'm with the majority on this one; this photo ...
Katarzyna Dolinska12683 viewsPhoto: George Holz466 comments04/26/08 at 23:09mrbam: to me this is pretty and very alluring.not raunchy...
Jaslene Gonzalez13191 viewsPhoto: Tyra Banks59 comments04/26/08 at 21:44ineedamodelchick: I guess during the show natasha was a great CONTES...
Fatima Siad11846 viewsPhoto: Peter Buckingham85 comments04/26/08 at 21:32ineedamodelchick: MontyL, I totally agree with everything you said!
Stacy Ann Fequiere5396 views31 comments04/26/08 at 21:22mrbam: sorry but this is horrid to me.her face looks awfu...
Katarzyna Dolinska13361 viewsPhoto: Mike Rosenthal90 comments04/26/08 at 18:39starburst.: What happened to the back of her head? Surprised
Katarzyna Dolinska20783 viewsPhoto: Russell James151 comments04/26/08 at 18:38starburst.: This is like "Wanna-Be Emo" more than em...
Katarzyna Dolinska17928 viewsPhoto: Peter Buckingham124 comments04/26/08 at 18:37starburst.: I don't get what the big deal is. Sure, the ey...
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