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Home > Cycle 9 > Sarah Hartshorne > From the Show

Last comments - From the Show
Sarah Hartshorne3844 views21 comments10/22/08 at 18:53Mycatjewel: I love her dress! (yes I like to look at clothes.....
Sarah Hartshorne2599 views12 comments10/22/08 at 18:53Mycatjewel: Again, too old.
Sarah Hartshorne2681 views10 comments10/22/08 at 18:53Mycatjewel: She looks old.
Sarah Hartshorne6005 viewsPhoto: Mike Rosenthal27 comments10/22/08 at 18:52Mycatjewel: NIIICCEE!
Sarah Hartshorne6157 viewsPhoto: Matthew Jordan Smith31 comments10/22/08 at 18:52Mycatjewel: Pretty, but not one of the best that week.
Sarah Hartshorne4756 views35 comments10/22/08 at 18:52Mycatjewel: I want that cut!
Sarah Hartshorne9174 viewsPhoto: Lionel Deluy82 comments10/22/08 at 18:51Mycatjewel: I love how welcoming she looks.
Sarah Hartshorne5744 viewsPhoto: Mike Rosenthal58 comments10/22/08 at 18:51Mycatjewel: Not right. Not right at all.
Sarah Hartshorne8225 viewsPhoto: Fredric Reshew73 comments10/22/08 at 18:51Mycatjewel: Cool.
Sarah Hartshorne8225 viewsPhoto: Fredric Reshew73 comments10/09/08 at 13:58atomicblue: Her face is completely exquisite her. Mind you, it...
Sarah Hartshorne5744 viewsPhoto: Mike Rosenthal58 comments10/09/08 at 13:53atomicblue: ^ And aside from Lisa's shot, none of them rea...
Sarah Hartshorne9174 viewsPhoto: Lionel Deluy82 comments10/09/08 at 13:43atomicblue: I'd actually say on par with Jenah. I couldn&#...
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