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Home > Cycle 9 > Kimberly Leemans > From the Show

Last comments - From the Show
Kimberly Leemans6348 viewsPhoto: Mike Rosenthal33 comments07/25/12 at 23:01NikkySan: The dress is very Chanel.
Kimberly Leemans7043 viewsPhoto: Matthew Jordan Smith73 comments05/12/12 at 11:21antmgenuine: GORGEOUS!!!! She was soooo robbed
Kimberly Leemans6348 viewsPhoto: Mike Rosenthal33 comments05/12/12 at 11:21antmgenuine: LOOOVE The Glamorous one, The Mirror one sucks.
Kimberly Leemans7043 viewsPhoto: Matthew Jordan Smith73 comments01/16/12 at 00:06NikkySan: ^^^^^God forbid someone like a photo the almighty ...
Kimberly Leemans4596 views18 comments01/16/12 at 00:03NikkySan: I hated her for what she said about Heather, but I...
Kimberly Leemans6348 viewsPhoto: Mike Rosenthal33 comments04/15/11 at 04:53Selumt0: I see a lesbian jail victim on the mirror
Kimberly Leemans7043 viewsPhoto: Matthew Jordan Smith73 comments01/15/11 at 15:02coldgreenwater: Worst decission that cycle! She had sooo much pote...
Kimberly Leemans4596 views18 comments01/06/11 at 10:25alaantm: didnt care for kimberly's personality but i r...
Kimberly Leemans6348 viewsPhoto: Mike Rosenthal33 comments10/07/10 at 16:36Bellhop36: I think this picture is boring. But I LOVE that dr...
Kimberly Leemans7043 viewsPhoto: Matthew Jordan Smith73 comments03/05/10 at 23:47ANTMguy: It is a stunning photo, I don't mind the makeu...
Kimberly Leemans3218 views8 comments02/15/10 at 18:42fairflanks: She needs her hair down. Her face can't do it...
Kimberly Leemans7043 viewsPhoto: Matthew Jordan Smith73 comments02/03/10 at 11:38blueyn: it's a great photo
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