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Aminat Ayinde355 viewsPhoto: Keith Major03/20/12 at 14:4716juan91: much better. she's learned to actually model....
Aminat Ayinde408 viewsPhoto: Keith Major03/20/12 at 09:51ineedamodelchick: WHOA ..i like the short cut..she always had such a...
Aminat Ayinde545 views03/10/12 at 07:03FashionFatale: I'm undecided on how I feel in regards to the...
Aminat Ayinde340 viewsPhoto: John Deamara03/10/12 at 02:10tflats: She has an incredible body but her face is so dead...
Aminat Ayinde810 views02/18/12 at 02:05cycle2_forever: what happened to her body ?
Aminat Ayinde590 views01/23/12 at 20:16marco: Jesus, Mary and Joseph.
Aminat Ayinde500 views12/11/11 at 21:00sncanton: those legs
Aminat Ayinde545 views12/11/11 at 16:54WonkEye: She reminds me of Joan Rivers here.
Aminat Ayinde447 views12/10/11 at 17:20nzkiwiboy: Her body is
Aminat Ayinde545 views12/10/11 at 13:36seriousfashion: i actually like her expression
Aminat Ayinde545 views12/10/11 at 08:18Selumt0: ^ Yes, she said on facebook she cut her hair reall...
Aminat Ayinde545 views12/10/11 at 07:25maximiwax: baldie?? o.O
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