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Home > Cycle 5 > Lisa D'Amato > From the Show

Last comments - From the Show
Lisa D'Amato8473 viewsPhoto: Nick Maroudias103 comments05/06/09 at 15:34: Not a fan. Lisa photographs old tbh. Jayla's w...
Lisa D'Amato7189 viewsPhoto: Nadia Pandolfo33 comments05/06/09 at 15:33: This one just isn't good. at all. The face spe...
Lisa D'Amato7359 views77 comments05/06/09 at 15:32: As much as I dislike her, this is in my top 10 of ...
Lisa D'Amato7524 viewsPhoto: Richard Dean44 comments05/06/09 at 15:31: Great body pose. Not the best angle on her face, t...
Lisa D'Amato8076 viewsPhoto: Janice Dickinson45 comments05/06/09 at 15:29: Too drag for my tastes. As for Lisa x Dominique, I...
Lisa D'Amato11972 viewsPhoto: Craig de Cristo70 comments05/06/09 at 15:22Who_Will_Be_ANTM: POLL: Who's the most successful girl from Cycl...
Lisa D'Amato7524 viewsPhoto: Richard Dean44 comments04/26/09 at 20:36j5s2s095: Mine would be: Kim, Lisa, Nik, Nicole, Jayla, Kyle...
Lisa D'Amato11972 viewsPhoto: Craig de Cristo70 comments04/18/09 at 13:49laurenbrei: I know this is an unpopular opinion, but I really ...
Lisa D'Amato7189 viewsPhoto: Nadia Pandolfo33 comments04/07/09 at 13:14RationThePoor: This is in no way better than Nicole's.
Lisa D'Amato8473 viewsPhoto: Nick Maroudias103 comments04/04/09 at 21:16Emnantt: personality doesn't matter more than photo-tak...
Lisa D'Amato8473 viewsPhoto: Nick Maroudias103 comments04/02/09 at 03:20longtimefan: Hahahaha @ Jhg812
Lisa D'Amato8076 viewsPhoto: Janice Dickinson45 comments03/30/09 at 09:46Solitaire: first of all, lisa is a million times better in pe...
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