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Coryn Woitel891 viewsPhoto: Janelle Photo10/16/09 at 21:57allapo: its like she has her head suspended on the air
Coryn Woitel1311 views10/16/09 at 21:33karenzuelalulz: Aww, poor Coryn has no idea how to be high fashion...
Coryn Woitel891 viewsPhoto: Janelle Photo10/16/09 at 21:32karenzuelalulz: Retire NOW! Hated her to no end on the show and he...
Coryn Woitel891 viewsPhoto: Janelle Photo10/16/09 at 20:43antmchocholate: eww.Its medicore.
Coryn Woitel891 viewsPhoto: Janelle Photo10/16/09 at 19:33BethanyisAWAKE: I just wanna know where the rest of her neck is!
Coryn Woitel891 viewsPhoto: Janelle Photo10/16/09 at 19:31OoSleePLesSsoO: i hate her teeth
Coryn Woitel891 viewsPhoto: Janelle Photo10/16/09 at 18:51Costaricafashion: her smile
Coryn Woitel1199 views07/12/09 at 01:10xFPNTMx: I don't know what the hell you guys see in thi...
Coryn Woitel1311 views05/11/09 at 15:59Mechum22: That's funny, longtimefan. I don't see Aa...
Coryn Woitel1311 views05/11/09 at 14:24: :shoc...
Coryn Woitel1311 views05/11/09 at 14:09ASKD: she looks like she's chocking, scared, awful
Coryn Woitel1199 views04/07/09 at 12:24LisaTheDiva: Weird!