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Coryn Woitel909 viewsPhoto: John Wagner12/05/09 at 13:29pretender_edj: This is pretty much the first picture of Coryn I...
Coryn Woitel1199 views12/04/09 at 17:32kadeftw: Sadly, this picture is dreadful. She looks ov...
Coryn Woitel1199 views11/14/09 at 10:39fairflanks: I think it's awful as well. I don't get t...
Coryn Woitel1311 views11/01/09 at 12:07kadeftw: I like it. Her face is still way to hard though.
Coryn Woitel891 viewsPhoto: Janelle Photo10/21/09 at 10:56Solitaire: at least she lost the brows... at least...
Coryn Woitel891 viewsPhoto: Janelle Photo10/18/09 at 20:09Tacita: this is what nightmares are made of XD
Coryn Woitel891 viewsPhoto: Janelle Photo10/18/09 at 06:32curdledsauce: WTF.
Coryn Woitel891 viewsPhoto: Janelle Photo10/17/09 at 17:12egogo816: She had a nicer smile than this
Coryn Woitel891 viewsPhoto: Janelle Photo10/17/09 at 14:42KittyKatKat: I love Coryn but... This is ehhh. :/
Coryn Woitel891 viewsPhoto: Janelle Photo10/17/09 at 14:01: Whoa
Coryn Woitel891 viewsPhoto: Janelle Photo10/17/09 at 13:24Karasu19: hmmm idk bethany maybe its covered by a jac...
Coryn Woitel891 viewsPhoto: Janelle Photo10/17/09 at 00:50pollywolly: I am a Coryn fan and usually think her photos are ...