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Leslie Mancia5088 viewsPhoto: Pascal Demeester06/02/08 at 20:57bornnnyc123: they all had something different working for them,...
Leslie Mancia5088 viewsPhoto: Pascal Demeester06/02/08 at 18:01ChaChaDiva101: Jaslene Was The Best Looking Latina So What Are Ta...
Leslie Mancia9050 viewsPhoto: Thomas Klementsson05/31/08 at 05:52ke1ta2gi3ku4do5: go leslie this is better than all of them!
Leslie Mancia5088 viewsPhoto: Pascal Demeester05/30/08 at 21:02mrbam: The hand does look pretty random but I think as a ...
Leslie Mancia6213 viewsPhoto: Trevor O'Shana05/29/08 at 02:31Rizka: No, no, IMO, Sara should go. Brooke was fine...
Leslie Mancia9050 viewsPhoto: Thomas Klementsson05/29/08 at 02:28Rizka: You're right, Dharren. And that's also wha...
Leslie Mancia4400 views05/29/08 at 02:19Mechum22: During casting for her cycle, she noted that her p...
Leslie Mancia4400 views05/29/08 at 02:16Rizka: She looks like us in Indonesia. In fact, she looks...
Leslie Mancia9050 viewsPhoto: Thomas Klementsson05/28/08 at 16:23Dharren: No doubt a nice shot. But i honestly kept forgett...
Leslie Mancia9050 viewsPhoto: Thomas Klementsson05/26/08 at 06:24Ssymour: Leslie looks stunning in this Photo. I actually th...
Leslie Mancia5088 viewsPhoto: Pascal Demeester05/26/08 at 01:07Heartbeat_Rock: Lisa C9 is latina?
Leslie Mancia9050 viewsPhoto: Thomas Klementsson05/26/08 at 01:06Heartbeat_Rock: i don't hate the hand. It's just the same ...
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