YES SHE'S GONE!! this picture may be good but there was no way she could've gotten in the top two after screwing up three times in a row plus she was a brat!
love erin, love this picture, love her portfolio, love everything about this girl! she will be a model one day a big one. I can see her being signed. Love you Erin!
Man I would have been happy if Tyra called her name too, and it's a shame, I always look forward to the CoverGirl pictures and they'll only have two this cycle
[Nov 13, 2009 at 10:29 PM]
Okay heres my full opinion on Erin's elimination. Pics alone, I think she was the best of the cycle. For me, she didnt deliver 1 shot below good. Commercial, I didnt see it, so idk. Anyway, if I was told a girl was in the b2 4 times, survived that 4th b2, got to the finale and won, I would be pissed. I dont think the b2s for the tribal thingie and the underwater were deserved, but she was there and 4 b2s is just too much. From that point of view, she deserved her elimination. Anyway, if I analyze pictures and potential, she was totally robbed. Especially compared to Jennifer and Laura, who, imo, sucked ass.
Im rooting for Nicole now. Slightly overrated by some people, like all the good girls in the ongoing cycle, but she has a good face, and great shots. Blahaura has... emm... well... sometimes her eyes look nice!
What's the point of saving a girl from the bottom two if they deliver something fantastic the next week and just get eliminated for it? Erin was obviously eliminated by default in this episode because evidently she has delivered a great photo and has 'redeemed herself', but still got kicked out. This is one thing I can't stand about ANTM.
I don't know why Tyra went all drastic eliminating two girls at the same panel...I wouldn't have done it. Both Erin and Laura deserved it as Nicole, so I would've called:
1) Nicole
This shot is just insanely Gorgeous. So angelic and sexy and Tall!
Everyone said she was slipping, but even her supposed failed pictures (Biracial and underwater) were still inredibly gorgeous, above even some of the other girls called earlier. If this is about consistency, I think Erin would be the epitome -- I can think of no pictures of her's I didn't like. The commercial, admittedly bad, but really, have you seen top models actually star in a commercial? Laura, on the other her, but ultimately this is a model competition, not a personality one.
[Nov 14, 2009 at 03:16 AM]
Slipping? If anything, I thought she just had two bad weeks then redeemed herself. And like you said, her shots were still gorgeous regardless
ok - this shot is a great shot - easily top 2 of the week. but she has been in the bottom two too many times - and at panel, the judges could see she wasn't genuinely happy or bubbly. nicole isn't - she is just herself, and laura's personality glows. erin would struggle to book jobs
Oh my God!This picture is phenomenal!!!!I love this!!!Best of the week,Best of the cycle and on of the best in antm.Every week she delivered the best photos.But for a life i will wonder why she didn't win.W H Y???????And especially why she wasn't in final 2 and the stupid blaura make it to the final 2.I hate her now cause she didnt reserve it.And i will be so happy if she win because averyone will hate laura bacause Nicole didnt win even if she deserve this(Tyra is a a strange person and this cycle her call outs sucked,She was so unfair with Erin and now i hate her)its not a spoiler about the winning.
And i will be so happy \when i will see Erin on Vogue and Harpers Bazaar.I love you Erin!Yoy are the best model in antm history
erin the real winner of ANTM 13
Im rooting for Nicole now. Slightly overrated by some people, like all the good girls in the ongoing cycle, but she has a good face, and great shots. Blahaura has... emm... well... sometimes her eyes look nice!
1) Nicole
This shot is just insanely Gorgeous. So angelic and sexy and Tall!
And i will be so happy \when i will see Erin on Vogue and Harpers Bazaar.I love you Erin!Yoy are the best model in antm history