@EroticKitty: I think I'm on your side. I already commented on this pic so I won't recycle what I said. And just to clarify, I tought she booked 1 out of 4? Or was that Jessica?
guys, this shot is awesome! it is so vogue! she looks tall, and she was the only one who didnt stand and really communicated with the sheep! second call deserve! good job alex!
why does nobody like her? and why is clown-face raina so overrated? THIS photo here is amazing! as "ke1ta2gi3ku4do5" said, it's high fashion!...and i don't see a plussie here as well
Ok, maybe some people hate it but for me it's one of the most dramatic photos this cycle. Her and Raina did a good job with telling a story, although I dod agree that Raina should've been called first!