I found a new pattern no one saw coming! Mckey won b/c her last name is Sullivan. Same as Shandi's. The judges wanted her to win SO bad but her drive got her cut. So they wanted a Sullivan winner to relate to shandi. Now Teyona's last name is Anderson. Same as Catie's last name. The judges also wanted her to win but she was too weak to the rest. Teyona has filled her spot. Do you people get it now? Check out last names next cycle!
Wow. I wanted Allison to win but I'm also happy that Teyona won. I can see that Teyona does have the model thing and so does Allison. But I admit, even though Allison is my favorite, Teyona deserves it because she is a bit better. Why do some people hate Teyona? It's not her fault that she won. And besides, this picture, IMO, is nice.
Allisons was way better..But this pitting of Black against white has to stop..Unfortunately it will not because there are some people that have unhealthy attitudes about race, and thats unfortunate..As the show progressed, l actually stopped coming here for a bit, cause the hate was in the air..lt is fine to be passionate about who u like, but when u base that on skin color, the whole concept is ridiculous. Peace.
Whew, what a blab.