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Sandra Nyanchoka

Sandra Nyanchoka

[ANTM]_Sandra01.jpg [ANTM]_Sandra02.jpg [ANTM]_Sandra03.jpg [ANTM]_Sandra04.jpg [ANTM]_Sandra05_(Nigel_Barker).jpg

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kamikazeking05   [Jan 30, 2009 at 04:28 PM]
naima took mediocre pictures at best the majrotiy of the weeks with her animal and dancing shoots being the exceptions(albeit how she got past that kloofing shoot is anyone's guess). And yes, i still like Sandra.
KappaHattori   [Jan 30, 2009 at 05:24 PM]
Alien Shoot : Perfect and Unique. Her angles look great.

Makeover Shoot : Intense and sexy way to show off the mohawk.

Flower Shoot : Sultry in the eyes, but commanding in the pose.

Zodiac Shoot : Maybe the face is a little dead... But you know she has the potential... It must have been something in the harness or something... And the pose is just dynamic. Let's see if you can gallop in the air and keep an intense face.

Got Milk Shoot : Sweet. Soft. Motherly. Delicious. Milk.

Gassy Nasty looking, Dirty, why did they even consider this for a theme Shoot : Her face is beautiful in this. Her whole body looks great altogether, and she's not just modeling with half of her body like other models on the show. She's showing her characteristic Intensity/Edginess that makes her so unique.

Wonder Bra Shoot : The bra is shown perfectly, and she doesn't look too fat. I really believe that it's just the tacky super long weave that is shadowing her face that makes this not a 8+/10 picture. They should have given her a Hannah-esque bob thing.

Envy Shoot : To die for. And honestly, the pun is sorta intended, but I absolutely love the posing of this girl. The body is beautiful... The face is really like, give me that bitch. I really LOVE, ADORE, and CHERISH Kahlen, but it's not Naima's fault that compared to Kahlen, Naima got a more duller theme.

Animal Lubriderm Shoot : I have nothing to say out of the sheer ferocity and gorgeousness of this picture.

Nymph/Kloofing Shoot : I think that the body is actually quite beautiful. I love the sort of bewildered look in the face like, OH! I've been spotted! I must flee! This could be a fun chase! But to be honest it is sort of lacking a little.

Dancing Shoot : I have nothing to say out of the sheer ferocity and gorgeousness of this picture.

Covergirl Shoot : I have nothing to say out of the sheer ferocity and
gorgeousness of this picture.

Now... How can people truly say anything about this girl?! I know it's opinion, but you cannot deny that it is at least SOMEWHAT close to the truth.
zib   [Jan 30, 2009 at 06:35 PM]
I used to be really into Naima. She was really edgy, and had some great photos and a great walk. I didn't think her winning was too heinous, although I think Kahlen performed better overall.
smartyj   [Jan 31, 2009 at 12:22 AM]
I see her winning because she appears like the only black woman with HF appeal and I'm REALLY positive Tyra is going to pick a black girl this cycle. Very Happy Very Happy
JQ   [Jan 31, 2009 at 01:33 AM]
@KappaHattori - Yes, I would have to disagree with you. While she did have some good shots, some were very lacking for me and I would have prefered many girls over her winning. I find her Kloofing shot to be horrendous and should have sent her home. Kahlen, Christina, Michelle, and Brittany earned their spots over Naima...but that's my opinion
Jesse_Dillon   [Jan 31, 2009 at 01:42 AM]
^Niama makes Katarzyna look fun. Ansd what are yall talkin bout "fierce black winner we have been wating for"???? Umm Hello?!!! D A N I E L L E
RunFiercely   [Jan 31, 2009 at 01:44 AM]
I'd rather be locked in a room with Katarzyna than Naima. At least I could stare at Katarzyna because she is GORGEOOOUSSSSSSS and Naima... isn't.
Jesse_Dillon   [Jan 31, 2009 at 01:49 AM]
^Im on the fence on that one.... .. I would have to agree, with Kat at least i could go to sleep, with Niama i would be forced to listen to how many different races she has floatin in her Rolling Eyes
sexxyslim6foota   [Jan 31, 2009 at 06:51 AM]
She looks like Michael Blackson!! If anyone has seen the movie NEXT FRIDAy she looks just like the african dude who comes in the store with the chewed up cd talking bout," I can't get jiggy with this sh#t!!! "LOL Laughing
Kappahatorri....I love NAima too she is the best! After Eva and Dani that is. KAhlen was too boring and timid to be a top model and Naima did better in the fashion show as well rewind the tape please!!! Don't get me wrong I liked Kahlen but she just seemed like such a loner. Naima>Kahlen!!!!
94ayd   [Jan 31, 2009 at 08:41 AM]
She's absolutely the strangest looking of all of them! I like almost none of them!
nicenessness   [Jan 31, 2009 at 02:38 PM]
I see not one similarity between her and Nnenna, but Sandra is fierce.
Who_Will_Be_ANTM   [Jan 31, 2009 at 03:05 PM]
jaeda post makeover Neutral
RunFiercely   [Jan 31, 2009 at 03:24 PM]
More like Dennis Rodman post makeover.
curdledsauce   [Feb 03, 2009 at 12:40 AM]
She is beautiful and has an edgy look. I want to see her go far in the competition based on this photo.
david18   [Feb 03, 2009 at 03:55 AM]
TAIOFMINE: Sandra's last name is NYANCHOKA. I saw it on a link to her old page on Race Models website.

Here it is: http ://race models manage /pdf. asp?model id=32 9939&s ubid=3 561&b ranch=NY
livedangerous   [Feb 03, 2009 at 11:09 AM]
edgy face perfect for the runway
Heartbeat_Rock   [Feb 03, 2009 at 02:10 PM]
After seeing her test shots, I have to say... this girl is the whole package! She can do high fashion, avant garde, commerical, sports, catalog... this girl bettah win! ♥ (or at least gets eliminated 3rd or so so she could start a real career like Kata, Anya or Elyse)
  [Feb 03, 2009 at 02:57 PM]
you gotta see her other pictures, she is already a supermodel she doesnt need this show.
Heartbeat_Rock   [Feb 03, 2009 at 07:10 PM]
I know right!!! Very Happy
SexyBlackGuy2009   [Feb 03, 2009 at 10:04 PM]
She is one of the few that looks highfashion in these "Budget Limited" pre-show shoots. "ls there a recession in the Photo Department?" But, in this pic, I do not like her knees for some reason. But other than that, she should definately bring it. However, in her test shots, I saw a few drag shots, and a couple just looked like a boy in girls clothes, although I knew a few were intentionally so, but I am not talking about Very Happy Wink

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