I agree wth RAVENNIGHT! B did so well on the spot, and where came out this "best picture" without even showing any part her great body except a round face?
[Apr 24, 2011 at 11:05 PM]
It's pretty obvious that Brittani had better shots. They showed her doing all this stuff that would have looked great, and I feel disappointed I didn't get to see any of the shots due to Tyra's lack of objectivity.
i thought she performed better than this on the shoot, but maybe not. i reckon it should be brittani and alexandira in the final two. theyre both the best walkers, the best photographs, and theyr both hatin on eachother
alexandria acts so FAKE 2 people! she is so bi**hy around the girls and then is nice to Tyra but tries to control her own shots! UGH! anyway this photo is one of Brittanis best IMO
""The thing is, Tyra doesn't live with the girls so she has no idea what goes on backstage. "" ~~~ well, inside the Model House , the camera(s) are on the girls 24/7 . ""Can Tyra predict the future? Can sure foretell that there was going to be some huge ass drama at panel? "" ~~~ SUREly, Tyra cannot . BUT she could surely plan & scheme this whole THING step by step . After filming , she has all the footages in her hands .
I feel like they only picked this shot as an extra storyline to stick her in the bottom two. Its the only beauty shot in the bunch, and there is so much to take away from her face here. When you get to her, she doesn't even look terrible, its just a very dull shot.