Teyona looked the best she has ever looked in the finale! that weave was fierce here she looks good as well...thank god she is coverin tyra's muffin belly lol
GET OVER IT! ALLISON DOESN'T CArE NEITHER SHOULD YOU! She showed no enthusiasm this whole competition, seemed like she could care less about being there and didn't cry when she lost. I am sure you angry people care 100x's more about this than Allison does. The right girl won! Allison only had "THOSE EYES" and nothing more. She was weird, creepy, dorky and awkward and her CG shot sucked! Teyona looks abit like GraceJones here.
I'm glad Teyona won, but I don't think the best way to contradict the hating is by acting as if Allison is talentless. Both were amazing models and had amazing after amazing photographs, and in my opinion, equally deserved it.
The best winner photo with Tyra!And Teyona stole the attention!It's the first time that the model smiles with her eyes and not Tyra.Work it girl!
And get out the photo with Allison.Teyona is the winner!Do you can accept this?HA HA
one word yawn! and its proof that theres a black winner every 3 cycles tyra said beforehand that teyonas face was better for edgy yet shes winning a covergirl contract and thats commercial its all wrong. then again i havent liked any of the winners from cycle 8 onwards and was it just me or did anyone else think that Mckey looked awful on this runway?
I liked Teyona over Allison. Allison just had one face throughout the whole show. Also, it was nice to see Tyra actually acting like she cared instead of the phony act she put on in the other cycles. She was getting kinda annoying.
Here's my opinion. Firstly, both Allison and Teyona are fantastic models, and they made for a really solid final two. During the finale however, Allison skyrocketed. Her CG photo was fabulous, and she TROUNCED Teyona on that runway. I loved Teyona's CG shot too, but she bombed the commercial, and she tried to be WAY too fierce on that runway. Allison was effortlessly fierce and fun, what with her lil samba. Teyona looked like a jiggly robot.
great shot... atleast tyra is with her im mean for real.... great runway finale... but i still believe it can not match cycle'4 runway finale.... teyona looks great... but allison deserves the win and not teyona... and btw i agree with *alexandra*
this is a great shot. still, i am compltely and utterly heart broken that teyona beat allison. teyona should have gone home after that horrible commercial, OKAY picture and overall personality.
And get out the photo with Allison.Teyona is the winner!Do you can accept this?HA HA