Does anybody know where I can find the actual makeover pictures this cycle? You know the ones they took right after the makeovers, I need them for Extreme America's Next Top Model
^Makeover pictures didn't even exist 'til cycle 4. Again, sowwy
As for Amanda's makeover, definitely the best makeover this cycle!
P.S.: If you watch her shoot, she took some shots with her hair down.
It's sad, how tyra retouches the photos...It makes sense to add like graphics( ex: the hot air balloon, In c 11) But a bad example is dianes c5 running shot...This shot is beautiful...good tyra didnt do anything..especially these kind of shots...DUH
More than Perfection. There are pictures that real models produce, that are actually professional looking. This, Yaya's and Eva's Spider, Elyse's Snake, Yoanna's Helmet, Shandi's sunglasses, Mercede's Headwires are some of them.
This is a good shot, but I think Amanda had better elsewhere in the cycle. I'm not convinced that she's actually got a particularly strong expression in this photo. I'm just convinced that she has gorgeous eyes.
As for Amanda's makeover, definitely the best makeover this cycle!
P.S.: If you watch her shoot, she took some shots with her hair down.