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Cycle Nine Group
[b]Mila Bouzinova, Jenah Doucette, Saleisha Stowers, Ebony Morgan, Sarah Hartshorne, Chantal Jones, Ambreal Williams, Heather Kuzmich, Bianca Golden, Janet Mills, Victoria Marshman, Lisa Jackson, Kimberly Leemans[/b]

Cycle Nine Group

Mila Bouzinova, Jenah Doucette, Saleisha Stowers, Ebony Morgan, Sarah Hartshorne, Chantal Jones, Ambreal Williams, Heather Kuzmich, Bianca Golden, Janet Mills, Victoria Marshman, Lisa Jackson, Kimberly Leemans

Cycle9_01.jpg Cycle9_02.jpg [ANTM]_SaleishaHeather01_(Mike_Rosenthal).jpg Cycle9_03_(Tyra_Banks).jpg [ANTM]_Cycle9_04.jpg

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Michelle&AmandaBabin   [Jul 22, 2008 at 05:23 PM]
My call-out order- Jenah, Lisa, Janet, Mila, Ebony, Kimberly, Heather, Chantal, Saleisha, Victoria, Sarah, Ambreal, Bianca. No offense, but Heather isn't great here. In the close-up, her face is blank. Jenah, Lisa, Janet, Mila and Ebony dominate this shot, IMO.
Mechum22   [Jul 22, 2008 at 09:19 PM]
Cycle 9, perhaps more than any other, really surprised me in terms of who outlasted whom... Pre-show, I thought that Lisa, Mila, Heather, Sarah, and possibly Ebony would be leading the pack. Didn't quite turn out that way, did it? Laughing
Heartbeat_Rock   [Jul 22, 2008 at 11:27 PM]
I really thought Heather was going to win. But the show turned really weird after Ebony's elimination Shocked
Michelle&AmandaBabin   [Jul 23, 2008 at 03:06 AM]
^Totally agreed. IMO the eliminations this cycle seemed backwards to me since day one. Its like every single week, I was hoping for the other girl to go home(except Ambreal's first elimination, but then again, Ebony left. oh, and of COURSE, how could I forget, Bianca's elimination.) I actually thought Mila was gonna win. Boy was I wrong. Her post-show pics are few, but they're awesome.
starburst.   [Aug 02, 2008 at 06:13 AM]
Okay, I know I sound mean, but Jenah looks awful here. I mean, what the hell is she doing here? She looks old. Heather and Lisa did the best.
jon63   [Aug 03, 2008 at 02:06 PM]
Jenah, Heather, Chantal, Lisa and Janet look the best
Heartbeat_Rock   [Aug 11, 2008 at 08:52 PM]
this is how I think they should've been eliminated (C9 edition Laughing ):

ROUND 1: Mila - even tho her personality was really cute, I have to agree, she lost the concept and didn't know how to work it.

ROUND 2: Bianca - after a 2nd bad pic, she should have sent home. Also, her attitude was really bad.

ROUND 3: Kimberley - even tho her face was gorgeous, I don't think she would have made it that far.

ROUND 4: Victoria - my fave, but I don't see her working it as a gargoyle.

ROUND 5: Ambreal - I wouldn't have allowed Ebony to quit. She was one of the best and after the 2nd bad pic, Ambreal deserved to go.

ROUND 6: Janet - I don't think she would have worked on the Enrique Iglesias' music video. I don't see her as being sexy or dark enough.

ROUND 7: Saleisha - fierce walk, but her pics have been a big bunch of blah. And this one is nothing special.

ROUND 8: Ebony - her attitude after all this time would have been her biggest problem, especially after hitting a new country.

ROUND 9: Sarah - she was really good but you know there are some girls that just make it until go-sees.

ROUND 10: !!! - this would be too hard! Jenah, Lisa, Chantal and Heather were the best of the bunch and all of them would've rocked the Great Wall of China shoot! Maybe Chantal or Jenah.

ROUND 11: Chantal or Jenah

FINAL ROUND: Lisa and Heather. Lisa has the high fashion appeal and the amazing walk. Heather has the best portfolio and the best story of life. Lisa would've rocked the final runway and Heather would've shown a bit of improvement.

ANTM... HEATHER - sure, her walk wasn't the best, and she struggled with commercials, but her pictures, her personality, and her story of life would be more appealing to the public than Saleisha's.

THIS IS JUST MY OPINION PEOPLE, OK? No need to start throwing rocks at me. Laughing
j5s2s095   [Aug 24, 2008 at 10:05 PM]
Chantal, Heather and Jenah rock here
Starfish   [Sep 08, 2008 at 02:04 AM]
Your eyes go first to Heather, then Chantal, and then Lisa.
mrbam   [Sep 21, 2008 at 08:08 AM]
My final three this cycle in order of second runner up,first runner up,winner:Heather,Lisa,Jenah,if it wasn't fixed.
david18   [Sep 27, 2008 at 04:10 PM]
^anyone remember jenah's dress from that challenge? the one that was supposed to be "Molten lava or silver or something"? yeah, worst dress i have ever seen in my ENTIRE life. and i've seen some ugly dresses, like the ones the girls wear to the announcements of the finalists in the first episode. if dresses were models, that dress would probably be kelle.
glory_box   [Sep 28, 2008 at 04:38 AM]
I remember loving Sarah when I first saw this photo, she looks so much different than on the show. Janet looks like her head was pasted on the body, muscular. Heather is workin it! Chantal looks amazing. Ambreal looks bored.
小瑪   [Sep 29, 2008 at 03:08 AM]
Heather, so beautiful!! Cool
Yog   [Oct 03, 2008 at 07:09 PM]
I really liked Sarah, and IMO they gave a bad "excuse" to eliminate her. I find her the most photogenic "plus size" to have appeared on ANTM.
RunFiercely   [Oct 08, 2008 at 12:20 AM]
Sarah totally fades into the background in this shot. I was specifically looking for her, and I looked at every single girl in my attempt to find her.
Mycatjewel   [Oct 25, 2008 at 02:20 PM]
Heather rocks here! GO GIRL!
speak4silence   [Jan 17, 2009 at 05:03 AM]
Heather and Victoria all the way!!!!
SAPPHiiRE.xo   [Jan 17, 2009 at 05:16 AM]
This is with heather head on, why was tyra mouning that shes never seen 1 if she obviously chose this pic.. Heather, Jenah and Lisa look best in this 1 the others look abit nervouse
Jesse_Dillon   [Jan 17, 2009 at 05:24 AM]
Janet Heather, and Ebony look the best, and WHOAAA Salieshas tummy looks white. like WHITE GIRL white. And Victoria looks ruff.
nosh   [Jan 28, 2009 at 10:44 AM]
Kimberly and Chantal look the best here.

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