I hate the face, however, I am in love with the body.
B.T.W Dharren, it was the previous week she refused to do the challenge, this week she actually won the challenge xD
they sent girls who won challenges home before, i fail to see why they didnt do the same this elimination. and the only reason why she is standing out so much is because she is the only thing in focus, imo.
nope, the go-sees challenge was the week of the paint beauty shot, the week Marvita got the boot. remember how she was annoying everyone with the guitar she received?
Mechum is right, Stacy Ann won the go see's. Marvita got the guitar from the catalog/commercial/couture challenge. The next week Stacy and her group won the go see's and got the Seventeen spreads. Thats why she got 1st call for the paint shoot.
oh, i thought mechum meant Stacy-Ann got the boot. you are right i got the prizes and challenges mixed up but Marvita did win a challenge when she got the boot, i guess that was what i was thinking of.
she might not have contributed much to the win but she was still on the winning team and still won the challenge to get the swag which included the guitar.
She looks booooooooooored, but on the bright side, her pose is amazing. I don't love this picture, but I don't hate it. hmmm... If only Jenah and Bianca could switch body poses, then Bianca beotch could be sent home and we would keep both Jenah and Heather. Win/Win situation... Wait wait wait, REWIND! unknown, did you say BIANCA is the most successful of her cycle?! Bianca is more successful than JENAH?! *dies*
B.T.W Dharren, it was the previous week she refused to do the challenge, this week she actually won the challenge xD