I hate saying this, but KUH-LAIRE, stop modeling! you're a nice girl, kinda, but not a model. For your cycle, it was Anya, Fatima, Kat, Aimee and hmmm..... Lauren.
Hm...I really don't see how this is ugly. I never really liked Claire, but this is lovely. In this picture I love what she is doing with her eyes, and she makes "ugly" look amazing. From a professional point of view, this is a good photo.
The hand and the hair ruin it anyway lol. Besides that, I don't mind it. As for all the Claire hate, how could you not dislike her? I mean all of her pictures are uber-overrated, her look is incredibly old looking, her attitude was just rude, fake and pathetic... It was mean what she did to Dominique and rude what she did to Aimee. Even if you don't consider her personality, you've still got her overrated pictures and the fact that she should never have made it on the show due to how old she looked. Proves ANTM is a personality contest. She probably would've won if she had better pictures. *vomits*