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Home > Cycle 17 - ALL STARS > Allison Harvard > From the Show - All Stars
Allison Harvard

Allison Harvard

5BAllStars5D_Dominique07.jpg Allison_Dominique_7BImpalpable7D_01.jpg 5BAllStars5D_Allison08.jpg 5BAllStars5D_Dominique05.jpg 5BAllStars5D_Shannon03_28Anthony_Zuiker29.jpg

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vivijessica   [Dec 09, 2011 at 12:14 PM]
this picture is very angelic, I like it very much. why the judges said they didn't know what she's selling~when i look at this picture, i look at her eyes, and looking for the meaning under's a god-damn-good picture~! Confused
mig   [Dec 09, 2011 at 04:14 PM]
FOUR? WTF????? Bias all the way.
SamDeVine1   [Dec 09, 2011 at 05:07 PM]
Lisa did not deserve it. Photoshoot 1: weird sholders, not high fasion. Photoshoot 2: Way to show off all the shit in your mouth. Photoshoot 3: Her face is all scrunchdeed up... nice leg. Photoshoot 4: Just plain awful! I thought she was going home. Photoshoot 5: Her first good photo. Photoshoot 6: okay but pretty amateur. Music video: I prefer her song over any of her photos. Photoshoot 7: Very dull and not high fasion. Photoshoot 8: Missing a leg. Her face looks like she was having a good shit. So on...
JUSTINGYM8   [Dec 09, 2011 at 08:30 PM]
Again ANTM picks the wrong winner, I was so stupid to think they would actual pick the right person. Allison is the best, I like Lisa and her story, but I think Allison deserved it.
NikkySan   [Dec 10, 2011 at 05:29 AM]
^^ This cycle wasn't supposed to be high fashion.

And surprise, surprise, this photo finds its way onto the Top Rated page. Rolling Eyes This Allison love really getting to be over the top.
djmaths   [Dec 10, 2011 at 08:36 AM]
The truely No.1 beautiful girl on planet earth.
esteban16   [Dec 10, 2011 at 01:27 PM]
I can tell I HATED Allison on cycle 12. I tought she was the most overrated girl ever. But now, she's my favorite all the time. If this cycle would have been about high fashion, Allison should've won for sure! But it wasnt, it was more about personality and branding yourself. I cried when I saw Allison losing, but Lisa was the right one for the title this time. BTW; Angelea sucks. Loud ghuetto bitch on a red carpet? Dont make me laugh.
qwerty1234   [Dec 10, 2011 at 03:01 PM]
they specifcally chose a very weak shot of allison,look on how they edited the show, they only showed a very short clip of allison being shot by Nick papodapalous, and i heard from a source she was spefically asked by the photogapher to really open her eyes and less smize, they edited to finally to make allison looked like she had a very weak performance, actually even after the runway show people went to her and they only showed 1 guy in the finale hugginng her well infact there were a # of them
ab-angel   [Dec 10, 2011 at 10:23 PM]
I honestly don't believe this was her best shot. I mean the photographer even said that Allison was great and gave variety. Lisa pretty much does need the victory more than Allison because honestly, I think being an inspiration is a far better quality than being a star. Allison's overall performance a much better and she still did good in the end so it's really lame that she didn't win.
cycle2_forever   [Dec 11, 2011 at 01:24 PM]
Snoopy2209   [Dec 13, 2011 at 11:08 PM]
Rkoandmelinafan   [Dec 22, 2011 at 01:19 AM]
this photo she looks soo young fresh and glowing without even really trying. she looks soo fresh. she looks like the girl from final destination 3 who got burned in that tanning bed. but she looks soo amazing here. when you compare this photo to her old covergirl shot. the other looked so stiff. this is soo perfect
chungchungxavier   [Dec 22, 2011 at 05:37 PM]
GORRRrrrr-geous !!! Smile
MixedAddict   [Feb 13, 2012 at 07:19 PM]
Love it, but she looks like a rabbit.
roboantm   [Feb 15, 2012 at 11:08 PM]
tyra should be there in EVERY photoshoot so she would know the real thing that happen. Allison shot many great photos during this shot, it is almost impossible to find a bad shot. who ever picks this, it's really degrading of them.
tha_mer   [May 17, 2012 at 09:34 AM]
I don't understand why people love this girl. She's extremely overrated and you can tell she doesn't really care about being a model just wants to be on tv again.
BryanJanDavis   [May 18, 2012 at 03:48 PM]
The photoshopping in this shot is horrid. It looks like she has one huge nostril as opposed to two small ones. lol. uninostril. Even with that, though, this is the only shot that looks like it would appeal to young girls worldwide as opposed to mothers who are in denial about their age.
ANTMguy   [Aug 04, 2012 at 03:25 AM]
Poor allison, robbed for the second time....[sigh]
iLoveKatarzyna   [Nov 15, 2012 at 09:52 PM]
pretty, but i prefer her c12 covergirl shot. i don't like her mouth here.
Canadagirl1234   [Nov 23, 2013 at 09:45 PM]
^ I actually perfer this shot, It's one of my favorite CG photos of all time

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