who does that pose? it looks horrible...why would you grab the heel of your shoe?? ... and her body has never been the best, she has to work on that...
it's the Ostrich pose! lol..I like it personally, and i do not consider it the same pose as she did for the Faux Fashion shoot. The only thing in common is the raised leg.
This is obviosly her signature pose, 4 all u ANTM fanatics, duh! I actually like it because my 1 complaint about Alasia is that she photographs short. This pose elongates her torso, exagerates her curves and in my opinion is very high fashion. Don;t love the face here, but she'll get there
Thank you Cro1016...damn..ppl always got somethin' negetive to say, but put they ass in front of a camera they look like a pile of shit...stop the hatin
This looks like she's still auditioning for top model. She hasn't really learned anything, though that's kinda to be expected since taking in all of Tyra's advice would probably result in a complete disaster.