^^Well, I personally think that a person needs some sort of elfish beauty to pull this off well. There are a lot of beautiful people whose features wouldn't fit as well. For example, I love Jaslene, but her features wouldn't have the same affect here as Rae's do.
^^^ Could you imagine: Alasia, Angelea, Katie, Anna, Bethany, Magdelena, Brandy , Furonda, Wendy, Jael, Dominique etc. doing this shoot? I respect your opinion, but I think a specific look is needed to get a shot like this.
Obviously some supermodels couldn't do this, take Alek Wek for example but as long as you have this type of look I think it would be fairly simple to do this. Open mouth, look to the left, insert photoshop. I could see Tanya Dziahileva doing this much better for instance.